
How to travel with your MonPanama hat

We’ve all been there. Getting ready to jet off on a much-anticipated vacation. The case is almost packed, but what to do with your beloved Panama hat?

Various ways of packing it can be considered but remember that some designs are more travel-friendly than others.

Let’s first look at the hats which are great travel companions; the hand knitted crochet style Romy hat can easily be folded and thrown in a bag, same as the Vizor. The Colonial Premium can also be rolled occasionally by folding it at the central ridge. When unrolled and worn again, it will adjust quickly to your head shape.

For all other designs, especially the wider brim hats such as the Diana, Coco, Bianca and the Fedora Premium, I would recommend storing them in a MonPanama box or in a hard-shell suitcase upside down surrounded by soft clothing only (strictly no denim).

For short trips, I would suggest leaving the hat on top of your head, but there is definitely no reason not to take your favorite MonPanama hat with you every time you travel!

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Inspired by her travels and her passion for old movies, the Swiss founder of MonPanama, Anne-Claude Toral, has been fascinated by Panama hats and handbags since her childhood…. [read more]

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